
ISO全球标准化网络中的自愿性与协商一致——墨菲与耶茨对ISO标准化与全球化的探讨 被引量:2

Voluntary and Consensus in ISO's Global Networks of Standardization——Discussion on ISO standardization and Globalization by Murphy and Yates
摘要 本文首先通过墨菲和耶茨对ISO全球化网络的考察综述,揭示出ISO遍及全球的标准化专家网络相对联合国系统是一个效率相对很高的组织。其运行只有中央秘书处靠自身很少的经费,而支撑ISO全球标准化网络开展工作的经费都由工业界和整个社会承担了。然后作者对墨菲和耶茨的主要观点进行了概述,包括对委员会标准化的社会学分析,欧美的标准之战和ISO的成功,以及ISO在ICT领域的得与失。本文最后得出ISO标准化成功的五条理由,并对墨菲和耶茨的观点进行了讨论。 Through the overview of Murphy and Yates' study on the global network of ISO, at first this article shows that the experts' network worldwide of ISO is, in contrast to UN system, a relatively high efficient organization. Except very small amount of expenditure for running central secretariat by itself, all the works of ISO global network of standardization are financed by industry and the whole society. Secondly, the author has a brief introduction to their main perspectives, including the sociological analysis on committee standardization, the standards war between EU and America, the success of ISO, as well as gain and loss of ISO in ICT area. Finally the article finds 5 arguments for the success of ISO standardization, makes a discussion on the perspectives of Murphy and Yates.
作者 王平
出处 《中国标准化》 2015年第8期53-60,66,共9页 China Standardization
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目"标准化对自主创新与产业发展的作用机理及相关公共政策研究"(项目编号:71373137) 国家自然科学重点项目"国家自主创新体系国际化理论与政策研究"(项目编号:71033001)资助
关键词 ISO 标准化自愿性 协商一致 全球化ICT社会学 ISO, standardization, voluntary, consensus, globalization, ICT, sociology
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