
艾滋病行为干预中对恐惧诉求发展的回顾与展望 被引量:1

How to properly use the fear in AIDS intervention-the history and further of fear appeal development
摘要 男男性行为人群艾滋病疫情近年来呈急剧上升态势,寻找有针对性的行为干预策略势在必行。恐惧诉求利用恐惧感促使干预对象接受干预信息,为实现更好的宣传干预效果提供新的突破口。由最初的驱动说,提出恐惧感决定干预效果;到整合保护动机理论与平行过程模型,认为恐惧感只是众多影响因素之一;再到扩展平行过程理论,认为效能感信息和威胁严重性信息共同决定行为转变动机的产生。恐惧诉求理论近70年的发展,对恐惧诉求过程的解释愈发全面、深入。以恐惧诉求理论为指导,通过控制呈现信息的内容及方式能够实现较好的干预效果。作为行为干预工作的重要理论基础,恐惧诉求理论仍在不断发展,有待在实践中对其实现进一步完善。 The AIDS epidemic in men who have sex wlth men (MSM) in recent years showed a sharp upward trend, looking for behavioral intervention strategies should be imperative. Fear appeals by fear prompted intervention received intervention information, provide a new breakthrough to achieve better effect of propaganda and intervention. After over 70 years development,the Fear Appeal generated from the driver model that proposed the fear decided the effectiveness of behavior intervention, to the extended parallel process model theory which integrated protection motivation theory and parallel process theory, both of which believed the fear is just one of the estimators, suggested fear is the key factor. The fear appeal theory is turning to be even more comprehensive and accurate. As an important theoretical basement, the fear appeal is still developing, and need more work to make it perfection.
出处 《中华预防医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第8期752-756,共5页 Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine
基金 山东省自然科学基金(2014ZRB14605)
关键词 获得性免疫缺陷综合征 同性恋 男性 恐惧诉求 行为干预 Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome Homosexuality, male Fear appeal Behavior intervention
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