Climate change governance is typical 'external 'global public goods,and the diversity of actors involved in the governance means that collective action is often a problem. However,the logic of the provision of public goods in the European Union goes beyond the traditional mode of sovereign countries and displays a feature of complex 'multi-level governance. 'By integrating the supranational,national,and subnational levels,the European Union has become a leader in global climate change governance. It is the integration and embeddedness of the three levels that have made the European Union's climate change governance an organic functioning whole. Social capital is the key glue in this process. The different combination of institutional social capital and network social capital sheds light on the cross-level governance mechanism of the European Union. The success lies in the cross-level integration of social capital: the 'institutional strong ties'between the European Union and its member states,the 'network strong ties'between the European Union and subnational actors,and the 'dual strong constraints'between European states and subnational actors.
The Journal of International Studies