HAVING spent a decade running businesses worldwide,I thought the time had come.I made one of the most important decisions of my life–go entrepreneurial!If I were to tell you that I had cherished this"be-an-entrepreneur"idea since childhood,you would probably try not to snigger.Isn’t that the sort of answer a child gives to the question,"What do you want to be when you grow up?"Many children grow up hop-
HAVING spent a de- cade running busi- nesses worldwide, I thought the time had come. I made one of the most impor- tant decisions of my life - go entrepreneurial! If I were to tell you that I had cherished this "be-an-entrepreneur" idea since childhood, you would probably try not to snigger. Isn't that the sort of answer a child gives to the question, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" Many children grow up hop- ing to achieve their dreams, but few do.