
基于纪实的实施逻辑:学生综合素质评价政策的特征分析及思考 被引量:9

Implementing Logic Based on Objective Documentary: Analysis on the Characteristics of Students Comprehensive Quality Assessment Policies
摘要 综合素质评价是对学生全面发展状况的观察、记录和分析,是发现和培育学生良好个性的重要手段。人们对学生综合素质评价的重要性及必要性有着广泛的共识,但评价方式和评定结果是否科学可靠和准确可信一直争议不断。前期实践表明,价值判断难题是导致综合素质评价实践困境的关键要素之一,走出困境的关键在于体现并落实综合素质评价的过程性与真实性。凸显证据文化,强调客观纪实而非主观判断成为本轮综合素质评价制度逻辑的关键特征。客观纪实有助于增进评价的可行性和易操作性,有助于规避价值多元导致的紧张和冲突,有助于规避因钱权干预导致的诚信危机。学生综合素质评价为高等学校提供了按需选才的契机和机遇,一定程度上为高校自身人才培养的特色发展奠定了基础。但应尽力避免以行政力量强制高校对综合素质评价的应用。高校面向市场的改革是解决当前综合素质评价与高考关系的根源所在,也是当前及今后需关注和解决的深层次问题。 Comprehensive quality assessment is observing, recording and analyzing of students' overall development, is important means of detecting and cultivating students' good personalities. Importance and necessity of students' comprehensive quality assessment has a broad consensus, but the way of evaluation and whether the result of the assessment is scientific, accurate and reliable has been controversial. Early practice shows that value judgment problem is one of the key elements causing the dilemma of comprehensive quality assessment, and the way out of the dilemma is reflecting and implementing the process and authenticity of the assessment. Reflecting evidence culture, emphasizing the objective reality, not the subjective judgments have become key characteristics of the logic of comprehensive quality assessment system in present stage. Objective documentary promotes the feasibility and operability of the assessment, helps to avoid the stress and confliction of multiple values, helps to avoid faith crisis because of money or power intervention. Students' comprehensive quality assessment provides universities with the opportunities of on - demand talent selection, and to some extent, laid a solid foundation for their own characteristic development of talent cultivation. But enforcement to the application of the comprehensive quality assessment by administrative power should be avoided. University' s market - oriented reform is the key to solve the relationship between current comprehensive quality assessment and college entrance examination. It is also the deep - seated problem which needs to be paid attention to and solve presently and in the future.
作者 张会杰
出处 《考试研究》 2015年第4期3-8,共6页 Examinations Research
基金 上海市教育科学研究重大项目:招生考试制度改革研究(项目编号:D1301)
关键词 综合素质评价 纪实 制度逻辑 政策分析 Comprehensive Quality Assessment, Objective Documentary, System Logic, Policy Analysis
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