
牛源肠球菌耐药基因与表型关系及16S rDNA同源性分析 被引量:4

Phenotype and genotype of bovine Enterococci antimicrobial properties and its 16S rDNA homology
摘要 为探究牛源肠球菌耐药性基因型与表现型之间的关系,采用微量肉汤稀释法分析62株肠球菌对7种抗生素的耐药表型,采用PCR技术检测相关的抗药基因,并分析62株肠球菌16SrDNA的同源性。结果显示,98.4%,98.4%,63.9%,6.5%,6.5%的菌株分别对万古霉素、红霉素、四环素、氯霉素和庆大霉素不敏感,100.0%菌株对卡那霉素敏感。100.0%的菌株均携带aphA3、aadA、aadE和aac6aph2基因;98.4%,98.4%,98.4%,95.2%,88.7%,72.6%,3.2%的菌株分别携带ermB、tet(M)、tet(O)、aac、mefA、vanB和vanA基因。62株肠球菌中均未检测出catpIP基因。结果表明,红霉素的耐药性(98.4%)与ermB(98.4%)基因呈正相关,与mefA(88.7%)的相关性也较好。氯霉素的耐药表型(6.5%)与catpIP(0)基因的相关性较好,万古霉素耐药表型(98.4%)与vanB(73.6%)基因相关性较好,其他耐药表型与检测的基因无明显相关性。16SrDNA分析表明,62株肠球菌按同源性可分为A、B、C、D、E、F这6种类型,其中E型与致病株EU717958的同源性较近,F型与致病株EU717964的同源性较近。 All isolates(62)were tested for susceptibility to 7different antimicrobial agents using broth micro-dilution method,and the presence of genes encoding these properties was tested.Furthermore,16 SrDNA of all isolates were screened and sequenced for molecular characterization.All isolates were susceptible to kanamycin,93.5%(58/62)for ciprofloxacin,gentamicin and chloramphenicol,37.1%(23/62)for tetracycline,1.6%(1/62)for erythromycin and vancomycin,respectively.All isolates were positive for aphA3,aadA,aadE,and aac6-aph2,followed by ermB(98.4%),tet(M)(98.4%),tet(O)(98.4%),aac(95.2%),mefA(88.7%),vanB(72.6%),and vanA(3.2%),respectively.However,catpIPgene was not found in the 62 isolates.Furthermore,phenotype of erythromycin-resistant was positively correlated with ermB(98.4%)and mefA(88.7%).Phenotype of chloramphenicol-resistant(6.5%)was well correlated with catpIP(0),and the phenotype of vancomycin-resistant(98.4%)was well correlated with vanB(73.6%)gene.While other genes have no obvious correlations between their genotype and phenotype.All 62 isolates were divided into 6clusters,including A,B,C,D,E and F clusters.The homology of cluster E was closed to EU717958,and the homology of cluster F was closed to EU717964.
出处 《中国兽医学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第8期1269-1274,1279,共7页 Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science
基金 "十二五"农村领域国家科技计划资助项目(2011AA10A210) 兰州市科技局科技三项资助项目(033143)
关键词 牛源肠球菌 耐药性 基因型 表型 16S RDNA bovine Enterococci antibiotic genotype phenotype 16S rDNA
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