
766对不良孕育史夫妇外周血染色体核型分析 被引量:8

766 of abnormal pregnancy couples chromosome karyotype analysis of the peripheral blood
摘要 目的:探讨不良孕育史与染色体异常的关系。方法对2011年1~12月于该院就诊的766对具有不良孕育史的夫妇进行外周血淋巴细胞培养,G显带染色体核型分析。结果在766对不良孕育史夫妇中,共检出染色体异常患者86例,染色体异常检出率为5.61%;其中,常染色体数目异常1例、结构异常14例;性染色体数目异常5例,结构异常1例;及染色体多态性65例。结论说明染色体异常与不良孕育史密切相关,异常染色体携带者夫妇在妊娠时应做产前诊断,以避免染色体病患儿的出生。 Objective To explore the relationship between chromosomal abnormalities and abnormal pregnancy .Methods Chro‐mosomal karyotypes were examined in 766 pairs of couples with adverse pregnancy history from 2011 January to December by pe‐riphery blood lymphocyte culture and carried out G banding .Results The detection of 86 cases of patients with abnormal chromo‐somes ,chromosome abnormality rate was 5 .61% ;Among them ,1 cases of abnormal autosomal chromosome number ,67 cases of ab‐normal structure;Sex chromosome abnormality in 5 cases ,13 cases of abnormal structure .Conclusion Description of chromosome abnormalities and abnormal pregnancy is closely related ,The carriers of the couple should have prenatal diagnosis to avoid chromo‐some patients is born .
出处 《国际检验医学杂志》 CAS 2015年第15期2185-2186,共2页 International Journal of Laboratory Medicine
关键词 不良孕育史 外周血 染色体 核型分析 abnormal pregnancy peripheral blood chromosome karyotype analysis
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