Conventional solid-liquid separators commonly used in China are not able to efficiently deal with high flow rates sandliquid mixtures with high sand content. A new spiral desander was recently developed to tackle this problem. The design of this new desander involved the establishment of a mathematical model based on the Bernoulli equation to characterize the structure of the desander, the analyses of the data of the model using MATLAB® software to determine the optimum structural parameters, the setup of a three-dimensional model based on the structural parameters, and the simulation of the flow field inside the desander using the simulation software, FLUENT®. Comparison of theoretical calculations and simulation results showed that there were very few differences between the two, proving the validity and feasibility of the design. Simulation of the flow field inside the desander verified the feasibility of separating solid-liquid using spiral desander, and provided a theoretical basis for manufacturing spiral desander.
Drilling Fluid & Completion Fluid