
群体的边界:农民工社会空间的媒介话语生产 被引量:1

Distinction of Rural Migrant Workers: The Social Space Production of Rural Migrant Workers by Media Discourse
摘要 作为中国城市化进程中的一个群体,农民工的特殊性常被人谈及,并使该群体异于其他群体。从农民工的社会空间入手,利用语料库工具,研究农民工社会空间的话语生产过程及特征,以寻求农民工作为特殊群体的边界。研究发现,农民工的社会空间主要通过大众媒介话语对其职业空间、生活空间与文化空间三个维度而被生产,并兼具"内在闭合性"与"外在开放性"的空间形态,这直接导致农民工群体被圈在这个内在限制性的空间内;而外在的力量,尤其是占有话语权的媒体或政府,则可以在这个空间自由出入,并利用这套话语体系继续巩固其内在闭合性的特点,两者最终的矛盾导致了空间的"地盘之争",即农民工群体要求扩展社会空间的诉求与媒介话语生产出的人们对于农民工社会空间固有认知之间的矛盾,并最终成为农民工群体的空间边界。 With the urbanization of China,Rural Migrant Workers( RMW) appears and was regarded as a special social group. The paper aims to study the social distinction of rural migrant workers from the perspective of social space production theory. The research finds the social space of RMW was produced through three dimensions,i. e. career space,life space and cultural space. The social space of RMW features internal closedness and external openness,which leads to the group of RMW was confined in the certain area and all the problems RMW encountered tend to be worked out only in this space. On the other hand,government and mass media which are in a dominant position can get into the social space of RMW and impose external power on the social space of RMW which maintains and intensifies its internal closedness. The two features eventually represent the space competition,which RMW encounters barrier when they expand their space outside,and draws a line between the group of RMW and other groups.
作者 赵凌
出处 《浙江传媒学院学报》 2015年第4期20-29,132,共10页 Journal of Zhejiang University of Media & Communications
基金 2013年教育部青年课题"基于语料库的农民工话语考古与身份生产研究"(13YJC860043) 浙江省教育厅"基于语料库的农民工媒介话语与身份研究"(Y201329839)的阶段性成果
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