
微RNA在胰腺癌诊断及治疗中的研究进展 被引量:1

Advanced Research in MicroRNA in Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma Diagnosis and Treatment
摘要 胰腺癌是常见的恶性程度较高的消化道肿瘤,除手术切除外缺少有效的治疗手段,患者5年内生存率<5%。微RNA(miRNAs)家族在分子层面影响着RNA-RNA的相互作用,miRNA在转录后水平对细胞的代谢、生长、分化、增殖、凋亡发挥着重要作用,这种对细胞的作用同样存在于肿瘤细胞中。近几年来已发现20种以上的miRNAs,在胰腺癌的生物学行为、发生发展、转移以及化疗的敏感性中的表达存在差异。 Pancreatic cancer is a common and malignant gastrointestinal tumor,which is lack of effective treatment besides surgery,5 years survival rate is less than 5%.MicroRNAs are molecules influencing RNA-RNA interaction,performing a regulatory role in the metabolism,development,differentiation,proliferation and apoptosis of normal cells,as well as in carcinogenesis.More than 20 microRNAs have been identified, being involved in pancreatic adenocarcinoma biology,affecting tumor growth,metastatic potential,and chemo-therapy sensitivity.
出处 《医学综述》 2015年第14期2569-2571,共3页 Medical Recapitulate
关键词 胰腺癌 微RNA 诊断 治疗 Pancreatic adenocarcinoma MicroRNA Diagnosis Ttreatment
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