
“留渣+双渣”高效脱磷工艺的研究 被引量:2

Study on "Double Slag + Hot Heel" High Efficient Dephosphorization Process
摘要 天津钢铁集团有限公司开发了"留渣+双渣"脱磷工艺,通过转炉冶炼出钢结束后留渣和前期脱磷的有利条件实现高效去磷,在冶炼中途进行倒渣以减少熔池的磷含量,最终实现少渣炼钢的目的。制定了该工艺的关键控制点并形成相关的操作规范,采用强底吹模式,控制前期冶炼时间、温度及碱度等因素,成功将前期的脱磷率提升至60%以上,而吨钢石灰消耗降低至24 kg。 Tianjin Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd. developed "double slag + hot heel" dephosphorization process. High efficient dephosphorization was realized by hot heel after tapping at converter and the favorable conditions of early dephosphorization and eventually the goal of lean slag melting, by deslagging during melting to reduce phosphorous content in bath. The critical control points for the abo formulated and relevant operation specifications drafted. With hard bottom blowing mode ve process were and control over melting time, temperature and basicity, dephosphorization rate at early stage was successfully increased over 60% and specific lime consumption decreased to 24 kg.
出处 《天津冶金》 CAS 2015年第4期27-29,33,共4页 Tianjin Metallurgy
关键词 留渣+双渣 脱磷 转炉 少渣炼钢 石灰 消耗 "double slag + hot heel" dephosphorization converter lean slag melting lime consumption
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