The "ownership" of the grass-roots small producers is the core issue of the CPC revolution and the con- struction of new China. During the socialist transformation and the "Great Leap Forward" movement, the CPC launched the coperative transformation on the small production of grass roots, and constantly upgraded and adjus- ted their ownership forms. In the beginning of the 1960s, the nation carried on the policy adjustment on the im- plementation of the early movement, demanding the grass-roots small producers to return to the "collective" coop- erative form, and released the limit in the "self-employment" of handicraft industrial groups, resulting in the dual pattern of a parallel development of collective cooperatives and individual production and operation, while the for- mer soon declined in the latter. On the whole, in Mao era, the nation' s setting for the ownership forms of small producers was more out of realizing the purpose of state control, rather than solving the actual economic problems, which was the fundamental reason of the grass-roots economic entity of small producers unable to achieve the growth development.
CPC History Studies