
松梢隐翅虫林间种群动态 被引量:1

The population dynamics of Placusa pinearum(Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) in forest
摘要 【目的】研究松梢隐翅虫Placusa pinearum林间种群分布及年消长动态,为进一步研究其作为载体昆虫携带天敌开展微红梢斑螟Dioryctria rubella生物防治提供依据。【方法】2013-2014年,对江苏、安徽地区4个林分进行调查,比较林分、树种、虫害梢直径、蛀道长度、微红梢斑螟虫态对松梢隐翅虫分布的影响,分析其年消长动态。【结果】松梢隐翅虫在不同林分中的分布率:安徽明光老嘉山林场〉江苏句容下蜀林场〉安徽明光管店松林〉安徽明光张八岭松林;在不同树种虫害梢内分布率:马尾松Pinus massoniana〉火炬松尸taeda〉黑松户thunbergii。松梢隐翅虫在虫害梢蛀道内的分布与虫害梢直径与蛀道长度显著相关(P〈0.01),与微红梢斑螟虫态相关不显著(P〉O.05)。松梢隐翅虫主要分布于虫害梢直径4.22~15.36mm、蛀道长度23.2~354.6mm的蛀道内,随着虫害梢直径和蛀道长度的增加,虫口密度、分布率呈上升趋势;松梢隐翅虫在各龄微红梢斑螟幼虫及蛹的蛀道内均有分布,3龄幼虫蛀道内的虫口密度及分布率较低。成虫几乎全年可见,盛期为5-7月和9-11月,幼虫盛期为5-8月。【结论】松梢隐翅虫林间种群分布以及年消长主要受微红梢斑螟幼虫数量及其特定生境(微红梢斑螟蛀道)的影响,成虫采集宜在5-7月和9-11月进行。 [Objectives] The distribution and poputation dynamics of Plaeusa pinearum in forest were investigated to provide a foundation for the further research on the use of P. pinearum to deliver natural enemies of Dioryctria rubella. [Methods] The effect of different forest stands, pine tree species, the diameter of pine shoots, D. rubella tunnel length, and D. rubella developmental stage, on the distribution of P. pinearum were investigated in 4 different pine tree forests in Jiangsu and Anhui Provinces. In addition, the population dynamics of P. pinearum were investigated from 2013 to 2014. [Results] The relative abundance of P. pinearum in different forest stands, was, in descending order: Laojiashan forestry station 〉 Jurong forestry station 〉 Guandian pine forest 〉 Zhangbaling pine forest. The relative abundance of P. pinearum in different pine tree species, was, in descending order: Pinus massoniana 〉 P. taeda 〉 P. thunbergii. There were significant relationships between the abundance ofP. pinearum and pine shoot diameter, and between the abundance ofP. pinearum and D rubella tunnel length (P 〈 0.01), but no significant relationship between the abundance of P. pinearum and the developmental stage of D. rubella (P 〉 0.05). P. pinearum was mainly found in pine shoots with a diameter between 4.22 mm and 15.36 mm, and in tunnels between 23.2 mm and 354.6 mm in length. The population density and distribution of P. pinearum increased with the diameter of pine shoots and tunnel length. P. pinearum could be collected from tunnels containing D. rubella larvae and pupae at different stages of development. The population density and distribution of P. pinearum in tunnels with 3rd instar D. rubella larvae were lower than in those containing other instar larvae and pupae. Adult R pinearum were present in forests throughout the year, the two peaks of abundance were between May and July and between September and November. The larval population peak was between May and August. [Conclusion] The distribution and population dynamics of P. pinearum are mainly affected by the quantity and tunnel length olD. rubella. The best time to collect adults is between May and July and September to November.
出处 《应用昆虫学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第4期917-924,共8页 Chinese Journal of Applied Entomology
基金 国家"十二五"科技支撑计划项目(2012BAD19B0703) 南京市建委 中山陵园管理局资助课题(200409) 江苏高校优势学科建设工程资助项目 江苏省生物学优势学科资助项目 南京林业大学南方现代林业协同创新中心资助项目
关键词 松梢隐翅虫 种群分布 种群年消长 林间 Placusa pinearum, population distribution, population dynamics, in forest
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