
食物对四个茶尺蠖地理种群发育和生殖的影响 被引量:2

The effect of food on the development and reproduction of 4 geographic populations of Ectropis oblique Prout
摘要 【目的】明确不同成熟度茶树叶片对浙江等4个地理种群茶尺蠖Ectropis oblique Prout发育和生殖的影响,旨在揭示不同地理种群茶尺蠖对不同质量食物的适应力差异,为制定各地茶尺蠖种群的差异化防治策略提供依据。【方法】通过对浙江、湖北、福建和江西等地茶尺蠖种群饲喂嫩叶、成叶和老叶3种不同成熟度的茶树叶片后,对比研究其发育历期、死亡率以及内禀增长率等生长发育与生命表参数。【结果】不同地理种群茶尺蠖发育历期存在显著差异,且均以成叶处理发育历期最短;幼虫3龄前死亡率以老叶处理死亡率最高(达33%),嫩叶处理最低(达15%),每雌产卵量以嫩叶处理最高(达362.23粒),老叶处理最低(达56.67粒);在内禀增长率、净繁殖率、种群加倍时间、周限增长率等5个生命表参数方面,各地理种群在成叶处理下差异不显著(P>0.05),嫩叶和老叶处理下差异显著(P<0.05)。通过茶树叶片内含物与茶尺蠖发育相关性分析,发现不同地理种群生命参数与各物质成分的相关性不尽一致,分别有2种物质与湖北种群、江西种群相关性最大,分别有1种物质与浙江种群、福建种群密切相关。【结论】浙江、福建、湖北和江西4地区茶尺蠖种群在取食适应性方面存在明显差异。其中,浙江种群取食不同发育成熟度茶树叶片后的适应性较强,在幼虫期存活率、每雌产卵量和世代净繁殖率(R0)等重要参数方面都较突出;而湖北种群对老叶这一不良食物的适应能力最弱(死亡率最高、净繁殖率较低);江西种群对老叶的适应能力较弱(死亡率较高、净繁殖率最低)。 [Objectlves] To provide a theoretical foundation for differentiated control strategies for different geographic populations of Ectropis oblique Prout. [Methods] Larval and pupal developmental duration, larval mortality rates and the intrinsic rate of increase of larvae collected from 4 geographic populations of E. oblique were investigated on young tea leaves mature tea leaves and old tea leaves, under laboratory conditions. Specimens were collected from populations in Zhejiang Province, Hubei Province, Fujian Province and Jiangxi Province. [Results] Significant differences in larval and pupal developmental duration were found between populations. Larval and pupal development was shortest on mature leaves. Mortality of〈 3rd instar larvae was highest (33%) on old tea leaves and Iowest (15%) on young tea leaves. The number of eggs per female was highest (362.23 eggs) on young tea leaves and lowest on old tea leaves (56.67 eggs). There were no significant difference in the intrinsic rate of increase, net reproductive rate, doubling time or finite rate of increase of larvae from the four geographic populations on mature tea leaves (P〉0.05). Significant difference among populations in all these variables were, however, apparent when larvae were kept on young, or old tea, leaves (P〈0.05). Correlations between population life-history parameters and the main chemical constituents of tea leaves were clearly inconsistent between the 4 populations. 2 substances found in tea leaves had a significant impact on the Jiangxi and Hubei populations and 1 substance greatly affected the Zhejiang and Fujian populations of the E. oblique. [Conclusion] There were obvious differences in the ability of E.oblique larvae from 4 geographic populations to feed on young, mature and old, tea leaves. The Zhejiang population was the most adaptable in this regard and had the highest larval survival rate, number of eggs per female and net reproductive rate (R0) of the four populations The Hubei population had the highest mortality rate and lowest net reproductive rate (Ro) on old tea leaves and the Jiangxi population also displayed relatively high mortality and low fecundity when fed old tea leaves.
出处 《应用昆虫学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第4期951-959,共9页 Chinese Journal of Applied Entomology
基金 重庆市永川区科技计划项目(Ycstc 2013ac1003) 重庆市基本科研业务项目(NKY 2014AC017 NKY 2015Ae013)
关键词 茶尺蠖 地理种群 茶树叶片 生命表参数 取食适应性 Eetropis oblique, geographic population, tea leaves, life table parameters, feeding adaptability
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