
大同市日光温室早熟油桃周年栽培技术 被引量:5

Cultivation Techniques in Sunlight Greenhouse in Datong Early Maturing Nectarine Anniversary
摘要 温室油桃是近年来大同各县区设施果树规模发展较快的果树之一,也是推进当地农村区域经济发展、实现农民发家致富的好产业和好项目之一。然而,温室油桃的规模化快速发展与生产管理技术不足的问题逐渐凸显,已成为影响老果区提质增效、新果区正常生产的主要矛盾。因此,总结适合当地温室油桃生产应用的栽培管理技术势在必行。从品种选择、定植要求、整形修剪、花期管理、树体管理、温(湿)度管理、土(肥)水管理、病虫害防治8个方面提出了在温室油桃栽培管理当中应该重视和注意的问题。 In recent years, the Datong area greenhouse nectarine is one of the fruit trees in the development of the scale of the facilities, is to promote regional economic development, the local rural farmers to achieve good industries projects and enrich ones family. However, the problem of the rapid development and production management technology of greenhouse nectarine has become the influence of old fruit quality and e^ciency, the main contradiction in the new district of the normal production of the fruit zone. Therefore, summarizing the technology suitable for cultivation and management be imperative for the local production of nectarine in greenhouse. According to many years engaged in the production and management of fruit trees facilities technical guidance experience, combined with the characteristics of natural environment in Datong, from species selection, planting, pruning, pest management, management of the tree, the temperature (humidity) management, soil (fertilizer) water management, pest and disease control and prevention eight aspects, put forward the cultivation of nectarine in the greenhouse should be paid more attention to the problem.
出处 《山西农业科学》 2015年第8期945-947,共3页 Journal of Shanxi Agricultural Sciences
关键词 日光温室 油桃 栽培技术 sunlight greenhouse nectarine cultivation techniques
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