3份北方粳稻(Oryza sativa subsp.Keng)品种经过航天诱变处理,得到表型存在差异的后代稳定品系各30个,共90份(产量与原品种差异低于3%),测定其主要稻米品质指标及淀粉RVA谱值,分析北方粳稻航天诱变后代稻米品质变化规律。结果表明,垩白米率、垩白度、透明度及崩解值各品种均变化较大,垩白米率、垩白度、透明度平均值相比原品种呈负向发展;而崩解值提高有利于改善稻米适口性;其他指标平均值变化较小。诱变后代中有3%个体各项米质指标均优于原品种。
Selected three northern japonica varieties aerospace mutagenic treatment,got 30 offspring stable lines with phenotypic differences,a total of 90 copies(the difference of yield with original varieties yield was less than 3%),determined the primary rice quality indicators and Starch RVA value, analysed the grain quality variation of Northern Japonica Rice with Space Mutation. The results showed that,the variation of chalky rice percentage, chalkiness,transparency and breakdown value was large in varieties,chalky grain rate, chalkiness, transparency was worse compared with the original species; the increase of breakdown value would improve the palatability of rice; the average value of other indicators changed slight. The quality index of 3% individuals in Mutation progenies was better than the original varieties.
Hubei Agricultural Sciences