为探讨小动物针药复合麻醉调节应激反应的机理,设计了犬腹部麻醉合适的配穴、针刺参数和麻醉药用量,在此基础上将25只犬随机均分为5组,即舒泰组、1/3舒泰复合针刺麻醉组、1/2舒泰复合针刺麻醉组、2/3舒泰复合针刺麻醉组和针刺组,对其进行腹部切皮术,并在试验过程中的7个时间点采血离心取血浆做酶联免疫吸附(ELISA)试验,测定各时间点应激激素—皮质醇和阿片肽(OP)的含量。结果显示,各组虽然麻醉方式不同,但均能达到麻醉的效果。其中针刺组的OP浓度在15-30 min施加针刺时显著高于其他各组,在此时间点,其皮质醇浓度明显降低;而针药复合麻醉各组OP浓度在15-30 min时均有不同程度的升高,皮质醇浓度也在OP浓度达到高峰时有不同程度的降低;舒泰组的OP浓度在整个试验过程中均无明显变化,皮质醇浓度在整个试验过程中偏高。说明针刺麻醉可以使犬的OP浓度升高,降低皮质醇的分泌,有效抑制应激反应;针药复合麻醉效果良好,使皮质醇浓度较为稳定,减小了应激。表明可通过调节OP浓度影响皮质醇的产生来实现机体应激反应的调节。
For investigating the regulation mechanism of of combined acupuncture and medicine anesthesia on small animal,based on the designs of appropriate abdominal anesthesial acupoints,acupunctural parameter and the dosage of drugs,25 dogs were randomly divided into 5 groups such as simple zoletil group,combined acupuncture and 1 / 3 zoletil group,combined acupuncture and 1 / 2 zoletil group, combined acupuncture and 1 / 2 zoletil group, combined acupuncture and 2 / 3 zoletil group and acupuncture group. Then they were carried out abdominal incision surgery, and collected plasma samples at 7 time points in experiment for detection of cortisol and opioid peptide(OP) by enzyme linked immune sorbent assay(ELISA). The results showed that all animals in five groups were anesthetized. The OP concentration in simple acupuncture group between 15 to30 min when applying acupuncture iwas significantly higher than other groups between 15 to 30 min when applying acupuncture,.At this time point in time, its cortisol decreased significantly;.The OP concentration of the needlecombined acupuncture and medicine compound anesthesia groups all increased with different degree within 15-30 min time all have different degree of increase, and the concentration of cortisol in these groups also decreased with varyingdeferent degrees of lowering when in the peak of OP concentration.The OP concentrations ofin the simple zoletil group had no obvious change induring the process of the whole experiment,and cortisol concentration iwas significantly higher than other groups. That It indicated that acupuncture anesthesia canould makeincrease dog OP higher concentration, reduce the secretion of cortisol, and effectively restrain stress reaction,. The combined acupuncture and drug needle medicine compound anesthesia effect is also had good effect,and could reduce the stress with that relatively stable cortisol concentration. iswere relatively stable,reduced the stress. That can be It suggested that the body′s stress response could be regulated through affect cortisol production by adjusted through the OP concentrations affect cortisol production to implement the regulation of the body ′s stress response.
Hubei Agricultural Sciences
combined acupuncture and drugs anesthesia
stress hormone