
新形势下中国在东北航道治理中的角色思考 被引量:5

The China's Role in the Governance of the Northeast Passage under New Circumstances
摘要 东北航道是连接欧亚的海上最短航线,也是中国通往欧洲的一条经济、便捷的通道。东北航道治理的未来走向,不仅要平衡商业价值和环境利益,还要兼顾沿岸国和国际社会的利益诉求。当前的北极治理正处于变化中,北极相关的法律制度和规范正在酝酿和发展。中国作为北极理事会的正式观察员国,对包括航道治理在内的北极事务肩负着特殊的责任。在东北航道治理和相关规范形成的过程中,中国应积极发挥观察员国的作用,继续加强对北极相关航线的科学考察,推动航道利用的双边和多边合作,在《联合国海洋法公约》、一般国际法原则和国际海事组织框架下,积极参与相关规则和标准的制定,切实参与技术层面的讨论,为东北航道的科学治理和和平利用做出积极贡献。 The Northeast Passage is the shortest sea route connecting the European and Asian seas, and at the same time, an economical and convenient passage leading to Europe from China. In terms of governing the Northeast Passage in the future, it is necessary not only to balance the commercial value with the environment interests but also to take the interest claims of the coastal countries and the international society into consideration. Currently, the governance of the Arctic is in a changing process, while the legal systems and regulations regarding the Arctic are still being prepared and further developed. As an observer state of the Arctic Council, China bears a special responsibility for the issues related to the Arctic including the governance of the Northeast Passage. With the relevant rules, including those on the governance of Northeast Passage, being made, China should actively fulfil its function as the observer state, further strengthen the scientific exploration of the relevant Arctic routes as well as push forward the bilateral and multilateral cooperation for the scientific exploration and utilization of the routes. In addition, China should, in the framework of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, general principles of international law and the International Maritime Organization, actively participate in formulating relevant rules and standards, join the technical discussions in an earnest manner as well as make positive contributions to the scientific governance and peaceful utilization of the Northeast Passage.
作者 密晨曦
出处 《太平洋学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第8期71-79,共9页 Pacific Journal
基金 国家海洋局极地考察办公室"南北极环境综合考察与评估专项"之"极地法律体系"(CHINARE2015-04-05-04)子专题资助
关键词 《联合国海洋法公约》 北方海航道 北极治理 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea Northern Sea Route Arctic governance
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