Obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus(T2DM) are major public health issues globally over the past few decades. Despite dietary interventions, lifestyle modifications and the availability of several pharmaceutical agents, management of T2 DM with obesity is a major challenge to clinicians. Metabolic surgery is emerging as a promising treatment option for the management of T2 DM in the obese population in recent years. Several observational studies and a few randomised controlled trials have shown clear benefits of various bariatric procedures in obese individuals in terms of improvement or remission of T2 DM and multiple other health benefits such as improvement of hypertension, obstructive sleep apnoea, osteoarthritis and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Uncertainties about the long-term implications of metabolic surgery such as relapse of T2 DM after initial remission, nutritional and psychosocial complications and the optimal body mass index for different ethnic groups exist. The article discusses the major paradigm shift in recent years in the management of T2 DM after the introduction of metabolic surgery.
Obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) are majorpublic health issues globally over the past few decades.Despite dietary interventions, lifestyle modificationsand the availability of several pharmaceutical agents,management of T2DM with obesity is a major challengeto clinicians. Metabolic surgery is emerging as apromising treatment option for the management ofT2DM in the obese population in recent years. Severalobservational studies and a few randomised controlledtrials have shown clear benefits of various bariatricprocedures in obese individuals in terms of improvementor remission of T2DM and multiple other health benefitssuch as improvement of hypertension, obstructive sleepapnoea, osteoarthritis and non-alcoholic fatty liverdisease. Uncertainties about the long-term implicationsof metabolic surgery such as relapse of T2DM after initialremission, nutritional and psychosocial complications andthe optimal body mass index for different ethnic groupsexist. The article discusses the major paradigm shiftin recent years in the management of T2DM after theintroduction of metabolic surgery.