
Risk factors affecting the Barrett'smetaplasia-dysplasia-neoplasia sequence

摘要 Biliary complications are being increasingly encounteredin post liver transplant patients because ofincreased volume of transplants and longer survivalof these recipients. Overall management of thesecomplications may be challenging, but with advancesin endoscopic techniques, majority of such patientsare being dealt with by endoscopists rather than thesurgeons. Our review article discusses the recent advancesin endoscopic tools and techniques that haveproved endoscopic retrograde cholangiography withvarious interventions, like sphincterotomy, bile ductdilatation, and stent placement, to be the mainstay formanagement of most of these complications. We alsodiscuss the management dilemmas in patients withsurgically altered anatomy, where accessing the bile ductis challenging, and the recent strides towards makingthis prospect a reality. Biliary complications are being increasingly encounteredin post liver transplant patients because ofincreased volume of transplants and longer survivalof these recipients. Overall management of thesecomplications may be challenging, but with advancesin endoscopic techniques, majority of such patientsare being dealt with by endoscopists rather than thesurgeons. Our review article discusses the recent advancesin endoscopic tools and techniques that haveproved endoscopic retrograde cholangiography withvarious interventions, like sphincterotomy, bile ductdilatation, and stent placement, to be the mainstay formanagement of most of these complications. We alsodiscuss the management dilemmas in patients withsurgically altered anatomy, where accessing the bile ductis challenging, and the recent strides towards makingthis prospect a reality.
出处 《World Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy》 CAS 2015年第5期446-459,共14页 世界胃肠内镜杂志(英文版)(电子版)
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