
Hemodynamic monitoring during liver transplantation:A state of the art review 被引量:16

Hemodynamic monitoring during liver transplantation:A state of the art review
摘要 Orthotopic liver transplantation can be marked by significant hemodynamic instability requiring the use of a variety of hemodynamic monitors to aide in intraoperative management. Invasive blood pressure monitoring is essential,but the accuracy of peripheral readings in comparison to central measurements has been questioned. When discrepancies exist,central mean arterial pressure,usually measured at the femoral artery,is considered more indicative of adequateperfusion than those measured peripherally. The traditional pulmonary artery catheter is less frequently used due to its invasive nature and known limitations in measuring preload but still plays an important role in measuring cardiac output(CO) when required and in the management of portopulmonary hypertension. Pulse wave analysis is a newer technology that uses computer algorithms to calculate CO,stroke volume variation(SVV) and pulse pressure variation(PPV). Although SVV and PPV have been found to be accurate predicators of fluid responsiveness,CO measurements are not reliable during liver transplantation. Transesophageal echocardiography is finding an increasing role in the realtime monitoring of preload status,cardiac contractility and the diagnosis of a variety of pathologies. It is limited by the expertise required,limited transgastric views during key portions of the operation,the potential for esophageal varix rupture and difficulty in obtaining quantitative measures of CO in the absence of tricuspid regurgitation. Orthotopic liver transplantation can be marked bysignificant hemodynamic instability requiring theuse of a variety of hemodynamic monitors to aide inintraoperative management. Invasive blood pressuremonitoring is essential, but the accuracy of peripheralreadings in comparison to central measurements hasbeen questioned. When discrepancies exist, centralmean arterial pressure, usually measured at the femoralartery, is considered more indicative of adequateperfusion than those measured peripherally. Thetraditional pulmonary artery catheter is less frequentlyused due to its invasive nature and known limitationsin measuring preload but still plays an important role inmeasuring cardiac output (CO) when required and inthe management of portopulmonary hypertension. Pulsewave analysis is a newer technology that uses computeralgorithms to calculate CO, stroke volume variation(SVV) and pulse pressure variation (PPV). Although SVVand PPV have been found to be accurate predicatorsof fluid responsiveness, CO measurements are notreliable during liver transplantation. Transesophagealechocardiography is finding an increasing role in the realtimemonitoring of preload status, cardiac contractilityand the diagnosis of a variety of pathologies. It is limitedby the expertise required, limited transgastric viewsduring key portions of the operation, the potential foresophageal varix rupture and difficulty in obtainingquantitative measures of CO in the absence of tricuspidregurgitation.
出处 《World Journal of Hepatology》 CAS 2015年第10期1302-1311,共10页 世界肝病学杂志(英文版)(电子版)
关键词 INTRAOPERATIVE MONITORING Physiologicmonitoring LIVER TRANSPLANTATION Intraoperative monitoring Physiologic monitoring Liver transplantation
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