Liver transplantation is the optimal treatment for many patients with advanced liver disease, including decompensated cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma and acute liver failure. Organ shortage is the maindeterminant of death on the waiting list and hence living donor liver transplantation(LDLT) assumes importance. Biliary complications are the most common post operative morbidity after LDLT and occur due to anatomical and technical reasons. They include biliary leaks, strictures and cast formation and occur in the recipient as well as the donor. The types of biliary complications after LDLT along with their etiology, presenting features, diagnosis and endoscopic and surgical management are discussed.
Liver transplantation is the optimal treatment formany patients with advanced liver disease, includingdecompensated cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinomaand acute liver failure. Organ shortage is the maindeterminant of death on the waiting list and hence livingdonor liver transplantation (LDLT) assumes importance.Biliary complications are the most common post operativemorbidity after LDLT and occur due to anatomical andtechnical reasons. They include biliary leaks, stricturesand cast formation and occur in the recipient as well asthe donor. The types of biliary complications after LDLTalong with their etiology, presenting features, diagnosisand endoscopic and surgical management are discussed.