
冲动特性与金钱态度对冲动性购买行为的影响 被引量:5

Effect of Impulsive Characteristics and Money Attitude in the Impulse Buying Behavior
摘要 为了探讨冲动特性、金钱态度与大学生冲动性购买行为的关系,了解大学生的金钱观和消费观,促进其理性消费,使用Barratt-11冲动量表、金钱态度量表与冲动性购买行为量表对267名大学生进行施测,采用SPSS18.0对数据进行分析。结果发现:(1)冲动特性与冲动性购买行为呈显著正相关;(2)冲动特性与冲动性购买行为间的关系受到权力—名望和忧虑金钱态度的调节作用,二者的关系在权力—名望水平较低、忧虑水平较高金钱态度个体中显著强于高水平权力—名望、低水平忧虑金钱态度。 To investigate the relationship among impulsive characteristics, money attitude and impulsive buying behavior of university students, to learn the money values and consumption values of university students, and to promote the rational consumption, we investigated 267 university students using Barratt- 11 impulse scale, money attitude scale and impulse buying scale. And we used SPSS18.0 to deal with the data. Results showed that: (1) The impulsive characteristics and the impulsive buying behavior were significantly correlated. (2) The dimension of power-fame and anxiety which belonged to the money attitude played a significant moderating role in the relationship between the impulsive characteristics and the impulsive buying behavior. At the low level of power-fame and at the high level of anxiety, the relationship concerned was much stronger than at the high level of power-fame and the low level of anxiety.
作者 牛琛 刘金平
出处 《心理研究》 2015年第4期57-62,共6页 Psychological Research
基金 河南省教育厅科学技术研究重点项目(14A190003)
关键词 冲动特性 金钱态度 冲动性购买行为 impulsive characteristics money attitude impulsive buying behavior
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