
Nakagami衰落上DE-QPSK在联合收发分集下的性能分析 被引量:3

Performance Analysis of DE-QPSK with Joint Transmit and Receive Diversity in Nakagami Fading
摘要 利用高斯Q函数的高阶次幂在最大比合并(MRC)分集接收瑞利衰落信道上统计平均的结果,推导了Nakagami衰落信道上采用组合发射选择合并(SC)/接收MRC天线分集的相干检测差分编码四相相移键控(DE-QPSK)的平均误符号率(ASER)精确表达式。利用高斯Q函数的近似表达式和矩生成函数(MGF)方法 ,推导了Nakagami衰落信道上采用组合SC/MRC天线分集的相干检测DE-QPSK的ASER近似表达式。通过数值计算和仿真,验证了DE-QPSK的ASER精确表达式的正确性以及近似表达式的准确性。利用精确表达式和近似表达式可研究收发天线数目和衰落参数对DE-QPSK的ASER性能的影响,为实际SC/MRC天线分集方案的设计提供了理论指导。 By using the statistical average results of higher-order powers of Gaussian Q-function in multi-branch diversity reception with maximum ratio combining (MRC) in Rayleigh fading channel, exact closed-form for the average symbol error rate (ASER) of differentially encoded quadri-phase shift keying (DE-QPSK) using coherent detection with transmit selection combining (SC) and receive MRC (SC/MRC) in Nakagami fading channels was derived. Approximate closed-form for the ASER of DE-QPSK with SC/MRC in Nakagami fading channels was derived by using the approximate expression of Gaussian Q-function and moment generating function based analysis approach. Numerical and simulation results show that the theoretical analysis of the ASER of DE-QPSK is exact and the approximate closed-form for the ASER of DE-QPSK is accurate. The above results can be used to design SC/MRC antenna diversity systems with DE-QPSK.
出处 《电信科学》 北大核心 2015年第8期72-77,共6页 Telecommunications Science
基金 浙江省自然科学基金资助项目(No.LY12F01008)~~
关键词 NAKAGAMI衰落信道 选择合并 最大比合并 差分编码四相相移键控 误符号率 Nakagami fading channel, selection combining, maximal ratio combining, differentially encodedquadric-phase shift keying, symbol error rate
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