English newspapers founded in modern Shanghai not only was the important media which European and American nationals understand of China and contact with their home countries, but also played the key role when the nationals construct national and community identity. Before the First World War, American nationals in Shanghai were "vassal" of the British and French nationals. After the end of WWI, the American formed the independent community of self-consciousness. During this course, the China Weekly Review, the China Press, the North China Heraldand etc. played a role of voice, based on the twice fund campaign of the Shanghai American School (SAS), to help the SAS to raise money to purchase land. In 1923, a suitable permanent new building was built on the Avenue Petain, and American children's education level was improved greatly in China. In the 1930s, when the SAS suffered financial troubles, English newspapers once again became a powerful driving force, at the same time, the American communities united to help them tide over their difficulties. American nationals in Shanghai reconstructed the national identity and the American community in Shanghai as a whole community thus formed using media mobilization.
Academic Monthly
the Shanghai American School, fund campaign, the China Weekly Review, the China Press, national identity