
太湖流域圩区水生态系统服务功能价值 被引量:19

The assessment of aquatic ecosystem services for polder in Taihu Basin
摘要 以遥感图像、气象水文资料和实地水生态状况调查数据为基础,利用构建的评价指标体系对太湖流域圩区的水生态系统服务功能进行了评价,并分析其空间差异性。结果表明:太湖流域的圩区水生态系统服务功能价值为325.93×108元,以对生态系统的调节、维持功能等间接使用价值为主,是直接使用价值的6.18倍。主要受水域分布面积大小的影响,圩区水生态系统服务功能价值总量呈现出杭嘉湖区>阳澄淀泖区>湖西区>浙西区>武澄锡虞区>浦西区>太湖区>浦东区的特点。太湖流域单位面积圩区水生态系统服务功能的平均价值为22.73元m-2a-1,整体表现为南高北低,西高东低的空间分布格局。 Today, the polder area, which is an important geographic unit in economically developed Taihu basin, comprise 10,630.91 km2, accounting for 28.81% of the total basin area. A polder is an artificially created ecosystem in a low-lying zone of land adjoining a lake, river or other water body and enclosed by dikes. It can effectively prevent flooding and alleviate drought by controlling the influx of water with manually operated devices, thus ensuring the orderly development of industry and agriculture. Polder waters including river and pond are the lifeline of the polder ecosystem and maintain its overall stability, which directly affects other ecosystem functions. Therefore, quantitative estimation of polder aquatic ecosystem services is beneficial to deepening the understanding of its status in the basin ecosystem. This study has important theoretical and administrative significance for the optimal regulation of the ecosystem structure and reasonable allocation of water resources in the Taihu basin. The polder aquatic ecosystem services and their spatial variability in the Taihu basin were analyzed using the established evaluation index system based on the remote sensing image, meteorological, hydrological, and fieldwork data. The results showed that the polder aquatic ecosystem supplied 8.61 × 10^8 m^3/a of water, provided 58.74 × 10^4 t/a of aquatic products, 7.17 × 10^8 m^3/a of regulated water and 27.12 × 10^8 m^3/a of stored water, reduced 3.62 × 10^4 t/a of nitrogen and 1.10 × 10^4 t/a of phosphorous, controlled 4.30 × 10^8 m^3/a of flooding water, assimilated 129.08 × 10^4 t/a of carbon and produced 153.60 × 10^4 t/a of oxygen, maintained biodiversity at 1.34 in terms of Shannon's diversity index, and lowered summer temperature for 2.27℃. The total value of polder ecosystem services in Taihu basin was estimated at 325.93 × 10^8 yuan/a. About 13.93% of the estimated value came from the provisioning services including fresh water and aquatic products. About 83.92% was contributed by regulation services including water regulation, water storage, water purification, flooding control, temperature regulation, carbon fixation, and oxygen production. Cultural services accounted for 1.41% and supporting services including biodiversity maintenance made up 0.74%. Thus, the regulating function predominated in the total value. The values of various services are in the ordered of: water storage〉 water regulation〉 aquatic products〉 flood control〉 carbon fixation〉 oxygen production〉 scientific research and culture〉 water supply〉 biodiversity maintenance〉 nitrogen reduction〉 phosphorus reduction〉 temperature regulation. The value of the polder aquatic ecosystem services was dominated by the indirect value, which was 6.18-fold larger than the direct value. Because of the different water surface area, the value of the total services of each subregion was as follows: Hangjiahu〉 Yangchengdianmao〉 Huxi〉 Zhexi〉 Wuchengxiyu〉 Puxi〉 Taihu〉 Pudong. The average value of aquatic ecosystem services per unit area of the polder in the Taihu basin was 22.73 yuan m^-2 a^-1. Water supply, aquatic products, water regulation, water storage, nitrogen and phosphorus reduction, flood control, temperature regulation, carbon fixation, oxygen production, research culture, and biodiversity maintenance were worth 0.30, 2.87, 3.43, 12.96, 0.04, 0.02, 1.26, 0.02, 0.92, 0.43, 0.32, and 0.17 yuan m^-2 a^-1, respectively. The aquatic ecosystem service benefits per unit area of the Taihu basin were higher in the west and the south than in the east and the north. This paper provides scientific guidance for proper management of aquatic ecosystems and ecological restoration, which employ differentiated measures to address main environmental problems of each subregion.
出处 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第15期5197-5206,共10页 Acta Ecologica Sinica
基金 国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项(2012ZX07501-001-03 2012ZX07506-001) 中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所"一三五"重点布局项目(NIGLAS2012135005)
关键词 圩区 水生态系统 服务功能 评价 太湖流域 polder aquatic ecosystem services assessment Taihu basin
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