目的:探讨《简易精神症状自陈量表》甄别强制戒毒人群中诈病以及伪装的有效性和特异性,为强制隔离戒毒所判别疑似精神障碍病例的真伪提供参考。方法:选取强制隔离戒毒机构内疑似精神障碍(A组)的个体,正常强制戒毒人员(B组)各100例、正常人(C组)98例为研究对象,采用《简易精神症状自陈量表》(self-report scale ofbrief psychopathological symptoms,SBPS)、艾森克个性问卷(EPQ)对三组的精神障碍状况、心理健康状况和人格特征进行测试。结果:疑似精神障碍组中有19例SBPS评分≥13分,占≥13分总人数的67.85%。疑似精神障碍组中SBPS评分≥13分者,EPQ的掩饰分量表(L)的标准得分在倾向掩饰或典型掩饰的比值达68.42%。结论:采用《简易精神症状自陈量表》结合EPQ的掩饰分量表对强制隔离戒毒人员中疑似精神障碍进行甄别,可以在一定程度上区分出伪装、诈病的病例,但特异性仍有待修订提高。
Objective: To explore the effectiveness and specificity of the SBPS on identifying malingering of drug abus- ers, and to verify whether SBPS is an effective assessment tool to judge the authenticity of the cases with suspected mental disorders in compulsory rehabilitation center. Methods: Two hundred and ninety-eight subjects(100 participants with sus- pected mental disorders and 100 healthy participants in compulsory rehabilitation center, and 98 healthy volunteers in soci- ety) participated in this study, and were labeled as group A, B and C. Then, the mental and psychological state and the per- sonality characteristics of all participants were valued by using the SBPS and EPQ personality. Results: The number of par- ticipants whose SBPS score was not less than 13 was 19 in group A, which accounted for 67.85% of total number of partici- pants whose SBPS score≥13. The numbers whose both SBPS score was not less than 13 and the Lie subscale of EPQ was tempted to lie in group A, accouted for 68.42%. Conclusion: For the cases with suspected mental disorders in compulsory rehabilitation center, the joint use of SBPS and the Lie subscale of EPQ could identify the malingering individuals to a cer- tain extent, but the specificity of this scale is low, which still need to be revised constantly.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology