
专利引用关系视角下高科技产业专利池的形成机制研究——以MPEG-2专利池为例 被引量:8

The Formation of Patent Pool of Hi-tech Industry from the Perspective of Patent Citation——Case Analysis of MPEG-2 Patent Pool
摘要 基于专利引用关系视角,以专利池领域的典范MPEG-2专利池为例,运用社会网络理论和方法比较分析了技术标准制定前期、专利池准备阶段、专利池运作阶段专利池中各专利的引用关系,探求了专利池的形成机制。研究表明:引用与被引用关系相对集中有利于专利池形成;"活跃型"专利权人和"权威型"专利权人的专利引用影响专利池的形成;大多数专利权人居于专利池的边缘,发挥着协同作用;虽然存在"活跃型"与"权威型"专利权人,但专利引用网络中同时控制专利引用与被引用的专利权人较少,且其分布相对分散和独立,有利于形成稳固的专利池关系。 According to the patent citation, this article divided the MPEG-2 patent pool formation process into three stages: pre-stage of technology standard setting-up, patent pool preparation stage and patent pool operation stage. It analyzed the re- lations of patent citations among patent pool by social network theory and method, and explored the formation of patent pool. The result shows the comparably concentration of patent citations will benefit the formation of patent pool. "Active type" pa- tentee and "authoritative type" patentee affect the formation of patent pool. Most patentee are on the edge of patent pool. They play a coordination role in the patent pool. Although there are "active type" patentee and "authoritative type" paten- tee, there are few patentees that control citing and being cited. These patentees are comparably dispersed and independent, that will help the formation of stable relations for patent pool.
出处 《软科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第8期20-24,共5页 Soft Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(71273085 71373074) 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划项目(NCET-12-0162)
关键词 高科技产业 专利池 专利池形成机制 专利引用 社会网络理论 hi-tech industry patent pool formation of patent pool patent citation social network theory
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