目的了解南宁市朝阳溪污水中诺如病毒污染状况。方法 2011年1-12月采集72份南宁市朝阳溪污水,用混合纤维素膜吸附法吸附病毒和聚乙二醇(PEG)沉淀法浓缩病毒后,经实时荧光逆转录-聚合酶链(Real-time RTPCR)方法进行NV核糖核酸(RNA)检测。结果全年采集72份污水中,诺如病毒核酸阳性率为100.00%,其中基因Ⅰ组阳性数为51份,阳性率为70.83%,基因Ⅱ组阳性数为72份,阳性率为100.00%。基因Ⅰ组冬春季检出率高于其他季节,基因Ⅱ组检出率无季节差异。结论南宁市朝阳溪污水中存在基因Ⅰ组和Ⅱ组诺如病毒污染,检出率高的季节与相关NV引起的腹泻高发季节报道相一致,污水中诺如病毒的监测是人群监测手段的重要补充。
Objective To investigate the contamination situation of noroviruses (NVs) in the sewage d Chaoyang Stream in Nanning City. Methods We collected 72 sewage specimens from Chaoyang Stream in Nanning City from January to Decem- ber in 2011. Viruses were concentrated by absorption to mixed cellulose membranes and polyethylene glycol (PEG) precipitation, and subsequently detected for the presence of NV ribonucleic acid (RNA) using real- time reverse transcription- polymerase chain reaction (real - time RT- PCR). Results All specimens were found to be positive for NV RNA. The positive rates of NV genogroup I and genogroup ]1 were 70.83% (51[72) and 100.00% (72/72) respectively. The positive rate of NV geno- group I was higher in spring and winter, but no seasonal difference was found in the positive rate of genogroup II. Conclusions The results suggest that there exists the contamination of NV genogroup I and genogroup II in the sewage of Chaoyang Stream in Nanning City. The seasonal trend of NV detection in the sewage is consistent with that of diarrhea due to NVs. Therefore, monitoring of NV contamination in the sewage is an important complementary part of NV surveillance in the human.
Practical Preventive Medicine