《中国烧伤创疡杂志》于1989年创刊,是由卫生部主管,中国医师协会主办的国家级医学学术期刊。本刊内容新颖,结构规范,涉及面广,实用性强;普及与提高兼顾,基础与临床并重,可供从事烧伤、创伤、溃疡、整形、美容及相关学科的各级临床、教学和科研人员及医学院校学生阅读参考。本刊是双月刊,CN 11-2650/R,ISSN 1001-0726。邮发代号:82-600。
The Chinese Journal of Burns Wounds & Surface Ulcers (The Journal for short) is a state-level, bimonthly medical academic magazine with its first issue in 1989, supervised by the Ministry of Health of PRC and sponsored by the Chinese Medical Association. The Journal with its in- novative and practical contributions involves a wide range of fields such as burns, traumas, ulcers, plastics, cosmetology and other relevant sub- jects, and is a valuable reference for clinical, teaching and research staff as well as medical students. CNll-2650/R, ISSN 1001-0726. Issuing code : 82-600.
The Chinese Journal of Burns Wounds & Surface Ulcers