目的探讨椎间失稳环境下软骨终板蛋白多糖的变化。方法选取48只6月龄日本大耳白兔,体重(2.50±0.15)kg,均在相同环境条件下喂养,随机分为对照组和实验组,每组各24只;两组兔均进行椎间手术失稳。实验组在手术失稳2个月后用椎弓根螺丝钉和张力钢丝弹性内固定的方法进行L6/7的稳定性重建,对照组不进行稳定性重建。两组分别在内固定术后2、4、6个月取材对椎间盘软骨终板蛋白多糖进行检测,比较不同时间软骨终板蛋白多糖水平变化。结果 1组内比较,两组术后2、4、6个月蛋白多糖灰度及光密度值比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。对照组术后4个月蛋白多糖灰度低于同组术后2个月,光密度值高于术后2个月,差异均有高度统计学意义(P<0.01);对照组术后6个月蛋白多糖灰度低于同组术后4个月,光密度值高于术后4个月,差异均有高度统计学意义(P<0.01)。实验组术后4个月蛋白多糖灰度高于同组术后2个月,光密度值低于术后2个月,差异均有高度统计学意义(P<0.01);实验组术后6个月蛋白多糖灰度高于同组术后4个月,光密度值低于术后4个月,差异均有高度统计学意义(P<0.01)。2组间比较,实验组术后6个月蛋白多糖灰度高于对照组,光密度值低于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论弹性内固定能有效地阻止椎间盘软骨终板蛋白多糖的退变,而且有部分恢复的征象,它为进一步进行其他治疗创造了必要条件。
Objective To investigate the change of cartilage endplate protein polysaccharide in the condition of inter- vertebral instability. Methods 48 white macrotia rabbits of 6 months old with (2.50±0.15) kg weight were fed in the same environment and randomly divided into the control group and the experiment group, with 24 rabbits in each group. Rabbits in the two groups were all given intervertebral instability surgery. Rabbits in experiment group were re- constructed the L~ stability with pedicle screw and tension wire elastic internal fixation 2 months after the interverte- bral instability surgery. Rabbits in control group were not reconstructed the L~ stability. The intervertebral disc carti- lage endplate protein polysaccharide were detected in the two groups 2, 4, 6 months after the internal fixationi; the car- tilage endplate proteoglycan level among different time were compared. Results (~The differences of protein polysac- charide grayscale and optical density value in the two groups 2, 4, 6 months after the fixation operation by variance analysis were statistically significant (P 〈 0.05). The protein polysaccharide grayscale 4 months after fixation operation in control group were lower than those 2 months after fixation operation in the same term, the optical density values 4 months after fixation operation in control group were higher than those 2 months after fixation operation in the same term, the differences were statistically signifi- cant (P 〈 0.01); the protein polysaccharide grayscale 6 months after fixation operation in control group were lower than those d months after fixation operation in the same term, the optical density values 6 months after fixation operation in control group were higher than those 4 months after fixation operation in the same term, the differences were statistically significant (P 〈 0.01). The protein polysaccharide grayscale ~4 months after fixation operation in experiment group were higher than those 2 months after fixation operation in the same term, the optical density values 4 months after fixation operation in experiment group were lower than those 2 months after fixation operation in the same term, the differences were statistically significant (P 〈 0.01); the protein polysaccharide grayscale 6 months after fixation operation in experiment group were higher than those d months after fixation operation in the same term, the optical density values 6 months after fixation operation in exper- iment group were lower than those 4 months after fixation operation in the same term, the differences were statistically significant (P 〈 0.01). (~)The protein polysaccharide grayscale 6 months after fixation operation in experiment group were higher than those in control group, the optical density values 6 months after fixation operation in experiment group was lower than those in the control group, the differences were statistically significant (P 〈 0.05). Conclusion The dy- namic internal fixation can effectively prevent the degeneration of the proteoglycan from the degeneration. It can create the necessary condition for the other treatment. cartilage endplate and partly recover
China Medical Herald
Rabbit intervertebral disc
Cartilage endplate
Dynamic internal fixation