

Performance characteristic of children with autistic spectrum disorders in Strange Story Test
摘要 目的了解通过"虚假信念"任务的孤独症谱系障碍(autistic spectrum disorders,ASD)儿童在新异故事测验(Strange Stories Test,SST)中的表现特征,为ASD儿童的社交康复训练提供参考。方法采用1∶2配对病例对照研究设计,以15名被中山大学儿童行为与体质发育中心确诊的ASD儿童为研究组,以某小学内与研究组年龄、性别、父母受教育程度、父母职业及家庭经济状况相匹配的30名正常儿童为对照组,进行新异故事测验及韦氏儿童智力量表第4版(WISCIV)测试。结果 ASD组儿童SST中的情境得分(6.40±3.62)低于对照组(12.50±2.94)(t=29.310,P<0.01)。ASD组在白谎、误会、劝说、假装、玩笑5个情境中得分明显低于对照组(P值均<0.05)。仅对照组儿童SST中的情境得分与年龄呈正相关(r=0.513,P<0.01);对照组SST总得分与总智商、ASD组SST总得分与年龄均呈正相关,但均无统计学意义(r值分别为0.064,0.491,P值均>0.05);ASD组SST总得分与总智商呈负相关,但无统计学意义(r=-0.219,P>0.05)。结论随年龄增长,通过"虚假信念"任务的ASD儿童心理理论能力的发展仍落后于正常儿童。 Objective To investigate the performance characteristic of children with autistic spectrum disorders who pass the false-belief task in Strange Stories Test, and to provide reference for social rehabilitation training among ASD children. Methods Using 1 : 2 matched case-control study, 15 children diagnosed with autistic spectrum disorders by Center of Children's Behavior and Physical Development of Sun-Yat-Sen University and 30 typical developed children whose age, sex, education level and occu- pation of parents, family econmic status matched with children in research group were tested by Strange Stories and Wechsler Intel- ligence Scale (4th ed. }. Results Situational score of the ASD was significantly lower than typical developed children( P〈0.01 ) ; the situation score of white lie(P〈0.01 ), misunderstanding(P= 0.015), persuasion( P= 0.010) , pretendence(P〈0.01), joke (P = 0.016 ) of ASD were significantly lower than typical developed children. There was no significant relationship between the score of SST and age in ASD( P〉0.05) , only the relationship between the score of SST and age in typical developed children was statistical- ly significant(r = 0.513, P〈0.01 ) ; to provide reference for social rehabilitation training among ASD children. The overall score and intelligence quotient in the control group, overall score of SST and age in ASD group were both positively correlated, overall score and intelligence quotient of ASD group was negatively correlated,there was no significant relationship between the intelligence quo- tient and age in both ASD and typical developed children. Conclusion With the increase of age, the development of Theory of Mind of ASD with simple psychological reasoning ability still lag behind typical developed children.
出处 《中国学校卫生》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第7期971-974,共4页 Chinese Journal of School Health
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(81172687 81171293) 教育部博士点基金项目(20110171110053)
关键词 统计学 精神卫生 孤独性障碍 儿童 Statistics Mental health Autistic disorders Child
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