
基于证据空间有效性指标的聚类选择性集成 被引量:5

Cluster ensemble selection based on validity index in evidence space
摘要 首先针对距离空间在描述数据复杂结构信息方面的不足给出证据空间的概念。然后基于证据空间扩展有效性指标Davies-Bouldin,同时利用聚类成员的类别相关矩阵度量差异性。最后以较高有效性和较大差异性为目标选择聚类成员并用于集成。实验结果显示所提方法能够有效提高聚类集成算法的有效性。 A At first, the concept of evidence space was proposed to overcome the weakness of distance space for describ- ing the complex structure of data sets. And then, the Davies-Bouldin index was extended based on the evidence space proposed. Meanwhile the label-correlation matrix was used to measure the difference of clusters members. At last, the cluster members with better effectiveness and bigger differences were selected for cluster ensemble. The experimental results show that the proposed method is able to improve the effectiveness of cluster ensemble.
出处 《通信学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2015年第8期135-145,共11页 Journal on Communications
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60975026 61273275)~~
关键词 Davies-Bouldin指标 证据空间 聚类选择性集成 互相关矩阵 Davies-Bouldin index evidence space cluster ensemble selection co-association matrix
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