The traditional time series prediction model is dependent on a large number of historical data, but the historical data is often incomplete, inaccurate and vague due to the widespread presence of uncertainty in practical problems, in order to solve the problems, Song first proposed time series model based on fuzzy logic relation group in 1993, but these methods are still inadequate. This paper proposed to introduce the concept of fuzzy entropy to determine the optimal number of clusters which effectively divided the domain at first, then used the concept of correlation function of traditional time series to determine the order of the fuzzy logical relationships in fuzzy time series, considering that hybrid algorithm can significantly improve the prediction accuracy of the overall model, therefore, we use the residual model to amend the prediction value on the basis of fuzzy time series forecasting results. Finally our method is used for Taiwan machinery industry product value of 1998/01- 2001/12 forecast, the results of our method and the results of existing models are compared and find that the proposed model with higher prediction accuracy.
Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica