
饥饿和不同饵料对杂交鲟(达氏鳇(♀)×施氏鲟(♂))仔稚鱼生长和消化酶活性的影响 被引量:8

Effects of starvation and feeding different diets on growth and digestive enzyme activity of Huso dauricus( ♀) × Acipenser schrenckii( ♂ )
摘要 研究了饥饿、投喂水丝蚓和人工饲料对杂交鲟(达氏鳇(♀)×施氏鲟(♂))( Huso dauricus (♀)×Acipens-er schrenckii (♂))仔稚鱼生长、存活和消化酶活性的影响。结果显示:饥饿和投喂不同饵料对杂交鲟仔稚鱼的生长、存活、肥满度和消化酶活性影响显著。饥饿条件下,5d后杂交鲟幼鱼生长基本停滞,10d后负生长,与投喂饵料组的生长性能差异显著。消化酶活性方面,0~10 d,饥饿组的胃蛋白酶活性一直低于投喂饵料组,至20 d饥饿组的胃蛋白酶显著高于其它组;各处理组的脂肪酶活性变化规律各不相同,但是饥饿组的脂肪酶活性低于其他两组;各处理的杂交鲟幼鱼淀粉酶活性虽然有起伏波动,但是15 d后饥饿组快速升高并显著高于其他组。 The effect of starvation, feeding limnodrilus and artificial diet on growth, survival rate and digestive enzyme ac-tivity of Huso dauricus (♀) ×Acipenser schrenckii (♂) larvae was studied.The results showed that the effect of feeding methods on growth, survival rate, fatness and digestive enzyme activity was significant.Under conditions of starvation, the growth of hybrid juvenile almost stopped after 5 days, and the growth rate was negative after 10 days, and significantly different from feeding group (limnodrilus and diet).As to digestive enzyme activity, pepsin activity of starvation group was lower than groups of feeding in 0~10 d, and significantly higher than the other groups at 20 d; Lipase activity chan-ges of each group was different.Lipase activity of starvation group was at a low level and lower than groups of feeding;Amylase activity of hybrid larvae from three deals fluctuate, throughout the experiment although.Amylase activity of star-vation group increased suddenly after 15 days, until 20 d it was significantly higher than the other two groups.
出处 《淡水渔业》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第4期76-81,共6页 Freshwater Fisheries
关键词 杂交鲟(Huso dauricus (♀) ×Acipenser schrenckii (♂)) 生长 消化酶活性 Huso dauricus ( ♀ ) × Acipenser schrenckii ( ♂ ) growth digestive enzyme activity
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