
澳大利亚的绿色技能政策和实践 被引量:12

The Greening of Skills in Australia
摘要 澳大利亚在2009年开始实施"绿色技能协议",该协议通过澳大利亚政府理事会(COAG)正式签署之后,绿色技能培训内容与澳大利亚TAFE课程体系实现了有机结合。绿色技能培训的很多参与者都认为,由于自然环境和气候变化的影响,市场对于绿色技能的需求正在源源不断地产生,而此新兴需求虽然需要具备复杂的技术能力,但澳大利亚TAFE已经作好了充分准备,可以满足现阶段绿色产业的发展需要。很多行业现在热衷于建立自身的绿色机构,此类机构主要着眼于可持续发展、管理水资源以及提高能源利用效率等。而诸如新能源等技术密集型企业,则在政府激励或关注不足的情况下,得到了不断成长。澳大利亚的某些州政府、行业和组织尚未真正意识到绿色经济发展的机遇,并缺乏参与的意识与行动。 After the implementation of the Green Skills Agreement of 2009 in Australia endorsed by the Council of Australian Governments (COAG), we have seen the effective integration of green skills training in the majority of TVET nationally accredited courses throughout Australia. The demand for greening of skills is now emerging from a range of progressive communities who are participating in delivering on green skills through concern for the environment and the effects of climate change. The TVET/TAFE system in Australia is more than able to meet the needs of green industries at this stage, although more complex technical skills still need to be developed more broadly in the TVET sector to meet emerging industry needs. Many industries now engage strongly with the greening of their organizations including sustainability reporting, water management and energy efficiency. The more technology focussed industries such as the renewable energy industry are still growing even with fewer incentives and less certainty from governments.However, the opportunities for a greener economy are yet to be fully realised across Australia with some state governments, industries and organisations forging ahead while others are yet to engage with the green economy.
出处 《职业技术教育》 北大核心 2015年第15期30-38,共9页 Vocational and Technical Education
关键词 绿色技能协议 职业教育与培训 TAFE 澳大利亚 Green Skills Agreement vocational education and training TAFE Australia
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  • 1ABC News. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-05-18/breakthrough-in-renewab1e-energytarget-deal/6477748.
  • 2Australian Bureau of Statistics 2012. http://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/abs@.nsf/Lookup/1301.0Main+Features1062012 last cited May 2015.
  • 3Australian Industry Group (2012)- A More Competitive Manufacturing Industry. http://www.aigroup.com.au/portal/binary/com.epicentric. contentmanagement.servlet.Content DeliveryServlet/LIVE CONTENT/Publications/Reports/2012/10438_management and wor kforce_skills and_talent_web.pdf.
  • 4Art4 Agriculture. http://www.art4agriculture.com.au/ourteam.html.
  • 5Business Creatively Meeting the Sustainability Challenge.http://www.bca.com.au/Content/101868.aspx.
  • 6Clean Energy Council 2015.https://wwwsolaraccreditation.com.au/installers/continuousprofessional-development/training-courses.html.
  • 7Climate Institute.Coalition Commitment to 5-25 Percent Emissions Reduction Target.http://climateinstitute.org.au/verve/_resources/TCI_ MediaBrief_CoalitionTargets_October20 13.pdf.
  • 8Climate Institute.The Australian Renewable Energy Race, 2014. http://www.climatecouncil.org.au/uploads/ee2523dc632c9bO1dfllecc6e3dd2184. pdf.
  • 9COAG Green Skills Agreement 2009. http://www.ivet.com.au/cgibin/user.pl?download_file=1&file=17.
  • 10CRC Low Carbon Living. http://www.lowcarbonlivingcrc.com.au.











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