

A Study on Loss-avoidance in Moral Violation Trading Behavior
摘要 损失规避是指在等量情况下,损失比获益产生的心理效用更大,过去多项研究证实其存在普遍性。预期理论通过价值函数对其机制的解释是该研究的主导理论,但也有证据证明损失规避是一种本能行为。本研究以在校大学生为被试,考察道德违规交易行为对损失规避的影响。实验1通过比较道德违规交易行为与规范交易行为买家卖家的出价,证明二者之间的损失规避心理不同,得出道德违规行为会增强损失规避心理的结论。实验2,研究不同角色对考试成绩、金钱、道德的心理感受程度产生的影响,发现卖家比买家更为重视金钱,相反,买家则比卖家更关注考试成绩,但是道德感受在买卖双方间却并无不同。 Loss-avoidance refers to the fact that in equal situations loss produces larger psychological effects than gain. The universality has been proved by many studies in the past. The guiding theory of these studies is the explanation of the mechanism through value function by using expectancy theory. There is also evidence to show that loss-avoidance is an instinctive behavior. In this research college students are were tested to study the influence of moral violation behavior on loss-avoidance. The first experiment compared the price of buyers and sellers between moral violation trading behaviors and regular trading behaviors to illustrate that they have different mentality in loss-avoidance. It concluded that moral violation behaviors will enhance the loss-avoidance mentality. The second experiment studies the influence of scores, money and moral mentality on difference roles. It discovered that the sellers paid more attention to money, whereas the buyers paid more attention to the score of the exam. However, there is no difference between them in there moral feelings.
作者 张锐 钟建军
出处 《内蒙古师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2015年第4期90-96,共7页 Journal of Inner Mongolia Normal University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition
关键词 损失规避 预期理论 道德违规 loss-avoidance expectancy theory moral violation
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