
公民参与及基层组织对新加坡人民行动党政策响应的影响 被引量:2

The Impacts of Civic Engagement and Grassroots Organizations on Policy Responsiveness by the People's Action Party in Singapore
摘要 在公民参与有限的政治体制中实现政策响应,需要通过有效的制度设计来实现民情表达。新加坡的国会大选是政治参与的重要渠道,但因为参与渠道的单一,国家与公民间形成了庇护关系。为了增强政策响应,新加坡政府建立了严密的基层组织网络,国家与基层组织间的关系体现出法团主义和庇护主义特征,基层组织则与社区建立庇护关系,并通过发展社会资本来增强社区参与,最终实现民情从民众到国家的传递。然而,由于国家、基层组织和公民三者间的庇护关系较为脆弱,以及法团主义模式具有片面性,都为政策响应带来一定障碍,也对人民行动党的执政合法性提出挑战。 In regimes with limited civic engagement, effective institutional arrangements are required to achieve policy responsiveness. The parliamentary elections are the main platform for political participation in Singapore. Because of the limits of other means of participation, the state and citizens have formed a clientelist relationship. In order to enhance policy responsiveness, the Singaporean government has established a tight network of grassroots organizations. The relationship between the state and grassroots organizations has displayed characteristics of corporatism and clientelism. The grassroots organizations establish a clientelist relationship with community residents and try to increase social capital among residents in order to promote participation. As a result, citizen needs are voiced and heard by the state. However, due to the fragility of the clientelist relationships among the state, grassroots organizations and citizens, and due to the problems of corporatism, policy responsiveness is not as effective as expected, which creates a legitimacy issue for the People's Action Party.
作者 王新松
出处 《社会主义研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第4期135-141,共7页 Socialism Studies
基金 2014年度中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助"城市社区治理体制创新:公共服务信息化与国际经验整合"(105576GK) 2014年度北京高校青年英才计划"快速城市化中的基层治理"(YETP0276)
关键词 政策响应 基层组织 公民参与 庇护主义 新加坡 Policy Responsiveness Grassroots Organizations Civic Engagement Clientelism Singapore
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