本文基于CitespaceⅢ软件,对国内外2004-2013年间虚拟社区研究领域的时间、经典文献和研究热点及趋势进行可视化分析。国内数据来源于中文社会科学引文索引(CSSCI)数据库中的249篇文章;国外数据来源于Web of Science中SSCI数据库中的401篇文章。通过对虚拟社区进行可视化研究,本文提出了虚拟社区今后的研究展望,为日后虚拟社区的研究提供理论参考。
Based on Citespace Ⅲ this paper did a visual analysis on the study of virtual community between 2004 and 2013 at home and abroad, about research time, classic literature and research focus and trend. The domestic data came from 249 articles in the database of Chinese Social Sciences Citation Index (CSSCI) ; the foreign data came from 401 articles in the database of SSCI in Web of science. Through visualization research of virtual communities, this paper presented future research prospects of virtual cormnunity and provided a theoretical reference for the study of virtual communities in the future.
Journal of Modern Information