
油纸绝缘老化产物对油中水分饱和溶解度的影响 被引量:5

Influence of Ageing Products of Oil-paper Insulation on Water Saturation Solubility in Oil
摘要 对4组油纸绝缘试样在150℃下进行不同时间的加速热老化,研究油纸老化产物有机酸和芳香烃对油中水分饱和溶解度的影响规律。结果表明:油中水分饱和溶解度随着油中酸值和芳香烃含量的增加而增加,其中酸对油中水分饱和溶解度的影响较大,芳香烃的影响较小。根据试验结果,引入与油中芳香烃含量和酸值相关的平移因子m和n,利用Arrhenius公式建立了油中水分饱和溶解度与温度、油中酸值和芳香烃含量的数学公式,并验证了该公式的有效性。 Four oil-paper insulation samples were ageing for different time at 150℃. Using acid value and aromatic content in oil as characterization, the influence of ageing products of oil-paper insulation on the water saturation solubility in oil was studied. The results show that the water saturation solubility increases with the increase of acid value and aromatic content in oil. Acid has greater impact on the water saturation solubility in oil than aromatic hydrocarbons. According to the experimental results, the shifting factor m and n, which related to aromatic content and acid value in oil respectively, were introduced, and the mathematical formula was established between water saturation solubility and temperature, acid value in oil, aromatic content based on Arrhenius equation. The effectiveness of the formula was verified.
出处 《绝缘材料》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第8期46-50,共5页 Insulating Materials
关键词 变压器油 水分饱和溶解度 相对湿度 酸值 芳香烃含量 温度 transformer oil water saturation solubility relative humidity acid value aromatic content temperature
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