论文选取占据移动阅读APP市场首位的掌阅i Reade进行分析,总结出其具有用户阅读体验、社交分享化阅读与积极的营销推广战略三方面吸引用户的优点。在此基础上,对建立优质图书馆移动阅读APP提出了建议,内容有在功能设计上将图书馆自身特色与读者阅读体验相结合;注重互动式阅读中的阅读引导以及建立读者成长体系等。
This paper chooses i Reader which ranking at the first place in the mobile reading APP market as the analyzing object, and draws the conclusion that it has the characteristic of attracting users through three aspects such as having user reading experiences, socially shared reading and active marketing and promotion strategy. On this basis, regarding the setup of high qualified mobile reading APP of libraries, it brings up the suggestions including combining the characteristics of library itself with the reading experiences of readers in the aspect of function design, paying attention to the reading guidance in interactive reading and establishing the growth system of readers and so on.
New Century Library