

Exploration on Emotion Management Exercise of Highly- educated Groups in Universities of Chongqing
摘要 将情绪管理锻炼用于高校高知人群的锻炼指导,并探讨情绪、认知与锻炼行为之间的复杂关系。采用实验组对照组前测、后测设计,两组均给予一般锻炼指导,实验组同时给予情绪管理锻炼指导,以SF-36和PARS-3分别测试38名被试的健康和运动量,对数据进行协方差分析。主要结论:除了生理职能差异具有统计学意义,两组被试的其余健康维度和运动量差异均不具有统计学意义,即单纯的情绪管理锻炼指导对高校高知人群效果欠佳。建议:在对高校高知人群进行锻炼行为干预时,需要使其体验到足够的积极的锻炼情绪或改变其关于锻炼的核心观念。 The paper puts emotion management exercise into exercise guidance for highly -educated groups in universities and explores the complicated relationship among emotion, cognition and exercise behavior. Using a pre- test and post- test design between experiment group and control group, both the two groups are given general guidance, but at the same time, experiment group is given guidance on emotion management exercise. 38 subjects'health and exercise are respectively tested with SF - 36 and PARS - 3. The data is processed with analysis of covariance. The paper mainly concludes that apart from physiological function differences that demonstrate statistical significance, differences among other health dimensions and exercise of the rest participants are of no statistical significance. Namely, pure emotion management exercise guidance are not effective enough for highly- educated groups in universities. The paper suggests that in intervening exercise behavior of highly - educated groups in universities, they should be made able to experience enough positive exercise emotion or to change their core concepts about exercise.
作者 邢峰 许海燕
出处 《体育科技文献通报》 2015年第9期24-25,共2页 Bulletin of Sport Science & Technology
基金 重庆市体育局科研项目(项目编号:B201419)
关键词 情绪管理锻炼 锻炼行为改变 高校高知人群 表层观念 核心观念 emotion management exercise exercise behavior change highly - educated groups in universities surface idea core concept
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