
基于分裂变压器的大型海上风电场电气主接线应用研究 被引量:1

Application research on electrical bus system scheme of large scale offshore wind farm based on split-winding transformer
摘要 海上风电场具有故障率高、运维不便、损失巨大等特点,因此海上风电场的电气主接线对电网及风场的可靠性、灵活性及经济性具有决定性影响。以莱州湾某大型海上风电场工程为应用实例,基于分裂变压器的基本原理、阻抗关系及运行特性,确定了技术可行的电气主接线方案,结合实际参数计算残压及短路电流,并引入送出系统容量限制与上网电量的关系来计算故障损失,研究结果验证了基于分裂变压器的电气主接线方案可靠性高、扩建灵活,经济性优。 Offshore wind farm has characteristics of high failure rate, difficulty in operation and maintenance (O&M), great financial loss of failure. Electrical bus system schemes of offshore wind farm have a critical impact on the reliability, flexibility, and economy of power grid system and wind farm. Based on the fundamental, impedance relationship and operation characteristics of split'winding transformer, the technical and feasible designs of electrical bus system schemes have been proposed for a large offshore wind farm project in Laizhou bay. Combined with practical project parameters,the residual voltage and short circuit current have been calculated, and the relationship between power production and transmission system constraints is introduced to calculate failure cost. Results of research verify that the bus system scheme based on split-winding transformer has a performance with higher reliability, better extension flexibility and superior economy.
出处 《可再生能源》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第8期1142-1147,共6页 Renewable Energy Resources
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划("863计划")(2012AA051704)
关键词 海上风电场 电气主接线 分裂变压器 offshore wind farm main electrical connection split-winding transformer
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