
干湿球温度在国标允差内变化对风管送风式热泵性能影响的实验研究 被引量:4

Experimental Study of Dry-bulb and Wet-bulb Temperature Variations on Performance of Ducted Heat Pump
摘要 为分析现行国标规定的干湿球温度允差对空调机组能效的影响,采用空气焓差性能测试方法,控制环境干湿球温度在GB/T 17758—2010规定的读数允差±1℃/±0.5℃内波动,测定风管送风式热泵实验样机的制冷量与能效比。实验结果表明,室内外侧干球温度达允差下限-1℃,室内外侧湿球温度达允差上限+0.5℃时,机组处于最佳制冷工况,EER为2.80,高于标准工况测量值达3.26%。室内侧湿球温度对EER影响最为显著,影响系数为0.0464;其次是室外侧干球温度,对EER的影响系数为-0.0340。将干湿球温度允差严格为±0.3℃/±0.1℃,EER测定误差将由±3.5%降低至±1%,可更准确评定机组的能效等级。 To analyze effects of dry-bulb and wet-bulb temperatures (D&WBTs) on unit performance, experimental research on cooling capacity and EER of ducted heat pump are studied by means of air-enthalpy method when D&WBTs change in ± 1.0 ℃/±0. 5 ℃ of vari- ations set in national standard GB/T 17758--2010. Results show that the ducted heat pump is in best working condition when indoor and outside DBT reach lower limit of variation - 1℃ and WBT reach upper limit of variation +0. 5℃. EER of unit is 2. 8, which is 3.26% higher than the value measured in standard condition. The indoor WBT was found out to be the most significant factor with influence coef- ficient of 0. 0464, followed by the outdoor DBT with influence coefficient of -0. 0340. If DBT ±0. 3 ℃ and WBT ±0. 1 ℃ is provided to judge the energy efficiency class of air conditioner unit, the measurement error of EER drops from ±3.5% to ±1%.
出处 《制冷学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第4期78-84,共7页 Journal of Refrigeration
基金 江苏省高校自然科学基金(12KJB470010) 江苏省产学研联合创新资金(BY2013001-05)项目资助~~
关键词 制冷性能实验 能效比 实验工况 干湿球温度 允差 refrigeration performance test energy efficiency ratio test conditions dry and wet-bulb temperature variations
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