
国际航运企业与组织滥用市场支配地位行为之竞争规制 被引量:2

Competition Regulation on the Abuse of Dominant Position in the Market in International Shipping Industry
摘要 防止大型船公司以及国际航运组织滥用市场支配地位,损害航运市场消费者托运人利益,损害航运市场竞争秩序,是航运竞争法律制度的重要问题。但是,我国现有航运市场滥用市场支配地位的法律规制制度却存在着内容上的诸多缺失,相应法学理论也尚显不足,因此至今该领域仍存不少争议。在厘清航运市场滥用支配地位行为类型的基础上,扩充现有法律制度框架的行为范畴,明确各类航运市场滥用行为的反垄断规制标准,并允许航运经营者进行合理性抗辩,更好地平衡消费者利益、竞争秩序与航运经营者的运营效率,是未来航运竞争立法的可行进路。为了有效规制航运市场中的滥用支配地位行为,未来航运竞争立法可以引入共同市场支配地位概念。考虑到市场多元化、身份多重化与分支产业自然垄断属性,可以适用必要设施理论对某些航运产业基础性网络运营商施加准入义务。 How to prevent multinational shipping enterprises or international shipping alliances from a- busing their dominant positions to impair the shippers interests and threaten the fair competition order in the market is of major concern in the context of shipping competition laws. Nevertheless, ambiguousness and loopholes embedded in the current shipping competition regulation, and inadequate legal research from the academia make this field controversial. Based on a holistic overview of different types of abusive behav- iors, the author argues that the legislation of future shipping law needs to expand the scope of abusive be- haviors, clearly define the behavior-specific standards for abuse, empower the accused enterprise to justify its behavior, and better balance between the consumer protection and the shipping enterprises" efficiency- enhancing. Moreover, introducing the concept of "collective dominant position" into the legislation of fu- ture shipping law may assist to effectively regulate the abusive behaviors in the shipping market. Addition- ally, taking into account the sub-sector diversification, shipping enterprises' dual identities both as con- sumer and competitor in diversified sub-sectors, and the natural monopoly characteristic of certain sub-sec- tors, the author suggests imposing the facility-access obligation on the owner of facilities which are essen- tial to the transport network.
作者 王秋雯
出处 《中国海洋大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2015年第4期72-82,共11页 Journal of Ocean University of China(Social Sciences)
基金 上海市教委科研创新项目"我国航运反垄断法律制度之立法建构"(14YS077) 上海市高校青年教师培养计划项目"我国航运竞争法律制度研究"(ZZHZ13020)
关键词 航运垄断 滥用市场支配地位 共同市场支配地位 必要设施理论 合理性抗辩 shipping monopoly abuse of dominant position collective dominant position essential fa- cility doctrine reasonable justification
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