
异构脱蜡润滑油基础油组成对其性质的影响 被引量:18

Influence of Composition on Properties of Lube Base Oils Produced by Hydroisomerization Dewaxing Process
摘要 以加氢裂化尾油和加氢处理重质减压馏分油为原料,采用异构脱蜡工艺制备润滑油基础油。分析基础油的性质,并采用质谱和13 C核磁共振分析异构脱蜡基础油的烃组成和烃结构,考察异构脱蜡润滑油基础油的烃组成和烃结构对其性质的影响。结果表明,对于异构脱蜡润滑油基础油,在多环环烷烃质量分数、链烷碳质量分数和平均碳数相近的条件下,黏度指数随着异构烷碳与正构烷碳质量分数之比的增大而减小,倾点随着异构烷碳与正构烷碳质量分数之比的增大而降低;在多环环烷烃质量分数、异构烷碳与正构烷碳质量分数之比相近的条件下,黏度指数和倾点随着分子的平均碳数减少而降低。 Different lube base oils were produced through hydroisomerization dewaxing process from hydrocracker unconverted oil and hydrotreated heavy vacuum gas oil, and their properties were analyzed. The hydrocarbon composition and structure of these lube base oils were determined by MS and ^13C-NMR. The influences of hydrocarbon composition and structure on properties of lube base oils were investigated. For lube base oils with similar content of polycyclic naphthene and paraffin carbons, and with close average carbon number of molecules, it was shown that the viscosity index and the pour point both decreased linearly with the increase of the ratio of iso- paraffin mass fraction to normal paraffin fraction. For those with similar content of polycyclic naphthene and close ratio of iso-paraffin mass fraction to normal paraffin fraction, the viscosity index and the pour point reduced with the reduction of average carbon number of molecules.
出处 《石油学报(石油加工)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第4期831-835,共5页 Acta Petrolei Sinica(Petroleum Processing Section)
基金 中国石化项目(112111)资助
关键词 润滑油基础油 异构脱蜡 黏度指数 倾点 黏度 lube base oil hydroisomarization dewaxing viscosity index pour point viscosity
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