
清初清理藩勋逆产的政策演变 被引量:3

Evolution of Imperial Policy for the Disposition of Estates of Meritorious Ming Officials and Imperial Relatives during the Early Qing Dynasty
摘要 康熙"更名田"诏是对顺治时期相关规制的继承与调整,学界对前者考察颇多,对后者尚无专文探讨,因而认识不清。本文在细致爬梳档案等史料的基础上,分析清初清理藩勋逆产的制度演变,认为:一、顺治朝处置明代藩勋产业的政策有一演变过程,即从名义上认可其对产业的所有权,转为没收入官、圈为旗地;尔后再变为征收赋税、推行民田化,并停止圈为旗地,其目的亦相应地发生重要变化。二、为增加财政收入、实现民田化,清廷希冀尽数变价藩勋逆产,但受各种条件制约,不得不兼行召佃,从而形成变价与召佃并行的双轨制。三、由于相应规制的缺乏,顺治朝前期的清理效果欠佳。至顺治十二三年,户部制订了系统的清理规制,为清理效果的改善提供了制度保障,亦为康熙朝"更名田"政策的颁行奠定了基础。 The imperial edict for "Renaming the Land" issued during the Kangxi reign was a continuation and adjustment of the related regulations that the Shunzhi emperor had issued. Scholars have paid much attention to the Kangxi emperor' s policies however, few of them have discussed the Shunzhi. constituting a "blind spot" in historical research. This article analyzes the evolution of the institution of disposing the or the imperial estates and landholdings of meritorious Ming officials in the early Qing dynasty based on combing through the historical materials such as archival records. This article has three viewpoints. First, the confiscation of the estates of the meritorious officials and the imperial relatives in Ming dynasty evolved over time. At first the imperial court accepted the nominal ownership to the property by peasants who occupied the land. Later the land was appropriated and incorporated into estates for the Eight Banners. Over time, the government levied taxes, turned the field into farmlands, and stopped the enclosure. The institution changed depending largely on its specific target. Secondly, to increase revenues and turn the official fields into private fields, the Qing imperial court also sold the estates of the meritorious Ming ottlcials and imperial relatives. However, constricted by various historical elements, the imperial court had to recruit laborers, which formed a dual system--selling out property and recruiting laborers. Thirdly, lacking relevant regulations, the disposition of households was not very effective in early Shunzhi. It was not until the twelfth and thirteenth years of the Shunzhi reign (1655 -56), that the Ministry of Revenue had formulated a systematic regulation governing the property, which provided a stable guarantee of ownership. These regulations created the foundation for the enactment of the Kangxi policies.
作者 盛承
机构地区 厦门大学历史系
出处 《清史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期47-59,共13页 The Qing History Journal
基金 厦门大学田野调查基金项目"更名田研究新探"(批准号2014GF001)的阶段性成果
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