

Evolution Mechanism of Knowledge Sharing Climate with Embedded Implementation Errors
摘要 执行偏差是知识共享活动中普遍出现的社会现象,对知识共享氛围的形成具有显著影响。在对知识共享中的执行偏差进行界定和分类的基础上,构建了植入执行偏差的知识共享氛围演化模型,并分别针对意外偏差和过程偏差对知识共享氛围的演化动态进行了分析。研究发现,执行偏差的出现有利于不共享者的侵入,对知识共享氛围的形成具有负面影响,而其中过程偏差的负面作用尤为明显。 Implementation errors widely happened in knowledge sharing activities,which has a significant impact on the formation of knowledge sharing environment.This paper defines and classifies implementation errors,and sets up an evolution model of knowledge sharing climate with embedded implementation errors.In the meantime,this paper also analyzes the dynamic evolution of accidental errors and knowledge sharing climate.We find that the appearance of implementation errors is good at the invasion of un-sharer,which has a negative impact on the formation of knowledge sharing climate,and that the negative effects of process errors are particularly evident.
作者 吴强 张卫国
出处 《系统工程》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2015年第7期19-24,共6页 Systems Engineering
基金 教育部博士点博导类基金资助项目(20100191110039)
关键词 知识共享 执行偏差 意外偏差 过程偏差 种群动态 Knowledge Sharing Implementation Errors Accident Errors Process Errors Population Dynamics
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