In judicial practice, there exist serious divergences on the interpretations of general clauses on grounds for refusing trademark registration, which damaged the predictability of law and the stability of interest status. Such interpretation conflicts firstly due to the flaws in logic and expression of Chinese Trademark law, for that no authoritative interpretations capable of disambiguating can be deduced from the legislation text. In the context that no interpretation obviously more reasonable than the others, a judicator should respect the common practice in prior administrative and judicial decisions and promote the reaching of consensus, instead of adhering excessively to his own way of interpretation. For making choice from deferent interpretation ways, it's necessary to take account of the relations among deferent clauses rather than reading one clause isolatedly, and to keep the distinction between "statutory right" and "non-statutory interest". The orotection of"non-statutorv interest" should not invoke the "nrior ri ~ht~" clml^e_
Intellectual Property