
我国阔鳞按蚊Anopheles ramsayi名称应订正为伪詹氏按蚊Anopheles pseudojamesi(双翅目∶蚊科)

The mosquito name of Anopheles ramsayi in China should be corrected to Anopheles pseudojamesi Strickland and Chowdhury, 1927(Diptera ∶ Culicidae)
摘要 本文回顾了1927年印度的两种新按蚊(阔鳞按蚊Anopheles ramsayi和伪詹氏按蚊An.pseudojamesi)及其同物异名关系,以发表新种刊物月号[前者为Ind J Med Res(IJMR)4月号,后者为Ind Med Gaz(IMG)5月号]顺序优先,无确实发表日期,选定阔鳞按蚊优先作为有效名称使用,形成命名错案。IMG编者(1936)在该刊发表质疑:提出"IJMR 4月号确切出版日期为5月15日,而IMG 5月号为5月10日",命名优先应属伪詹氏按蚊,但错案未能改正。Nurul Huda与Harrison(1985)撰文对命名错案事实作了澄清,提出伪詹氏按蚊具有命名优先,提升为种级阶元,订正为有效名称,而阔鳞按蚊应降为次异名,即无效名称。我国蚊类著作中至今仍使用已被分类否定的旧名(阔鳞按蚊),应立即订正为伪詹氏按蚊。 The present review deals with the nominate priority of mosquito names between An. ramsayi Covell, 1927 (published in Ind J Med Res, April 1927 number) and An. pseudojamesi Strickland and Chowdhury, 1927 (published in Ind Med Gaz, May 1927 number) and its synonymy reported in India. They adopted the priority by order of monthly number of the periodicals without exact dates. The name ramsayi for the priority used as the valid name long time in literature, and forms a wrong nominate case. The editor of Ind. Med. Gaz.(1936) entered an interesting footnote regarding the exact dates of publication for two names: ramsayi issued in May 15th 1927, while pseudojamesi was May 10th 1927. The fact showed that the name pseudojamesi has its priority. Nurul Huda and Harrison(1985) informed clearly for wrong nominate case, and clarified that the name pseudojamesi has priority over ramsayi. Therefore An. pseudojamesi is elevated to species rank (corrected to valid name), whereas An. ramsayi is regarded as its junior synonym (invalid name). That the rejected name of An. ramsayi now still being used in Chinese lliterature should be corrected to An. pseudojamesi quickly.
作者 瞿逢伊
机构地区 第二军医大学
出处 《中国寄生虫学与寄生虫病杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第4期288-289,共2页 Chinese Journal of Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases
关键词 阔鳞按蚊 伪詹氏按蚊 订正 优先律 有效名称 同物异名 无效名称 Anopheles ramsayi Anopheles pseudojamesi Correction Priority Valid name Synonym Invalid name
  • 相关文献


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  • 7Editor of the Indian Medical Gazette:"A short footnote". Ind Med Gaz, 1936, 71: 700.
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